You are Powerful! ~ Self Esteem Quotes
In order to build your self esteem you must first learn to trust, and respect yourself. it is possible to grow so much that you are able to reach for your dreams without hesitation or worry. You will find that as you build your self esteem that it will be easier to share your wisdom with others a and become the inspiration that can help others reach their potential.
Start today and calm your wandering mind and let the spirit of growth flow from within. Let go of all the resistance and allow yourself to feel the peace that is there within you. If you are willing to allow it to flow through you and touch others, it will be returned to you 100 fold. Give yourself the love and validation you need by patting yourself on the back and remind yourself that you are good enough, powerful enough and truly matter. Your self esteem will grow as you spend more time in that peaceful state your life will reflect peace, and you will become peaceful. It is all right there within you, so listen closely since it’s all well within reach. Create an excellent day! ~Bonnie