Simple Wealthy Healthy Tips to Achieve Financial Well-Being
The longer you wait to decide what you want to do, the more time you’re wasting. It’s up to you to want something so badly that your passion shows through in your actions. Your actions, not your words, will do the shouting for you.” ~ Derek Jeter
What could you do today to ignite wealthy healthy living successfully to improve your financial well being? By using the right financial tools, simple tips you can enjoy today and plan for tomorrow. There are smart, simple practical strategies that give you solutions so you can take advantage of opportunities for achieving financial success. How much of a difference would a shift in your thinking, or creating change by having a plan of action help you? Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result will not happen. Creating change in your life will get you different results. Growing wealth is challenging for everyone. You are not alone. You can develop better behaviors through your actions you take to improve your well being and grow your wealth. Do you value what you are worth? Can you manage your money better? Would you be willing to do what it takes to reap the reward? Think about this: What is it costing you not to create change now? You want to be paid your worth and at the same time be passionate about what you do. Now is the time to take responsibility for your finances, modify what you are doing and improve your life. Why wait until tomorrow? The time is now. Achieve your financial well-being. Ignite your investing methodology with a few wealthy healthy investment tips that are simple, practical and doable.
Simple Wealthy Healthy Tips to Achieve Financial Well-Being:
- Don’t beat yourself up for where you are with your finances. There is no gain, only pain doing this.
- Think thoughts that are positive, creating what you want, not what you don’t have.
- Believe in you’re worth. Don’t accept being underpaid.
- Spend less than you earn.
- Find some ways to cut your costs and save for your future without having to make a big sacrifice. Eat out less and make more home cooked meals.
- Create a plan for your financial needs that includes savings goals for you to follow. Start now to save. Time is your friend. Money makes Money.
- Pay off credit card debt as soon as possible. You don’t want to be paying more than if you paid in cash the day of your purchase.
- Pay yourself first. Set aside 5% to 10% of your salary for savings. If you can have your money automatically deducted from your paycheck and deposited into a separate account.
- Invest in the stock market where there is opportunity. Interest rates are very low so CD’s and money markets are paying virtually zero and they are not a good investment.
- Further your education and knowledge in the investment world.
- Keep track of your investments.
- Watch your investment portfolio. There are tools online that can help you with tracking. One of my favorite free easy to use stock market tools is Yahoo Finance. Go to, Choose “Finance” and type a symbol. In a moments notice you can get valuable information.
- Contribute to a Retirement Plan, a tax-advantaged whenever possible
- Manage your Risk! When investing your number one goal is capital preservation. It’s more important not to lose than it is to win. Avoid large losses.
- Choose an investing strategy that has flexibility with an exit strategy in place.
- Diversify your assets to limit risk by investing your money in different types of investments such as stock, bonds, exchange traded funds (ETF’s) and mutual funds.
- Take small positions in securities, 2-3% of your assets, so no one investment can hurt you.
- Before you make an investment, read the prospectus, or call the mutual fund family.
- Do a Google search for more information about the investment you might buy so you don’t pay unnecessary redemption fees, or extra expenses.
- As you grow older, lower your equity exposure and reduce your investment risk by adding more income to your portfolio.
How many of these simple financial well being tips do you do? Do you need an accountability partner? I help people who like the stock market. I help people journey to wealth without compromising their health. For example: I helped a woman who was recently divorced, who felt lost, upset and scared, I could feel her fear in her voice on the phone so I invited her to come see me. She wasn’t clear on how to take care of her finances because she never had to. She was concerned that she could run out of money. We met in person and with one discussion she felt more comfortable, happier and more relaxed with her finances. We continue to keep the lines of communication open and now she has a clear path to her financial well being. What can you do to start the process today to improve your finances? Begin with a winning mindset, a positive attitude and create change now. Start your journey to wealth sooner rather than later. Opportunity exists at every turn. Invest in YOU! Choose one tip from above at a time into your lifestyle that has a positive wealthy healthy impact on your future. Visualize your success and do more of what you love to do. The journey to wealth is in reach!
I invite you to a 30 minute Free “Ignite Inspired Wealth and Health” Discovery Session. Achieve your goals, dreams and improve your well-being in your life. Connect with me here or Email me at