Tips to Create Change and Embrace Your Fear Peacefully
Do you have goals that you’re passionately reaching for? I know I do. Though many won’t admit it, you are not alone should a twinge of fear sneak in when going for your hopes and dreams. It’s more than normal to feel a bit uneasy as you grow and change. It can even be a bit of a stretch to put yourself out there and be bold, courageous and confident; but if you concentrate and keep your composure you will find a whole new world of possibilities will open up for you. Sometimes fear can hold us back, making you think that success isn’t possible. Should you sense this is happening to you remember to never stop and give up on your dreams. Instead, choose to simply embrace your fear and continue to create the change you are seeking. Success is a state of mind that you can achieve with time, patience, and determination. Being uncomfortable is healthy because it let’s you know that your moving out of your comfort zone. Learn to expect this discomfort because it’s the only way you’ll ever move beyond your current circumstances and into the life you always dreamed about.
I know the feeling of fear very well. Procrastinating, being resistant, avoiding what I don’t have a lot of experience in, and creating excuses have each been a mode of operation that has held back my growth. Sometimes it’s an idea or a new project I haven’t done before that causes me to become overwhelmed with thoughts of how I’m going to do it. What I’ve learned is that it’s much better to take small action steps that will push you beyond your comfort zone. This can only be done when you wholeheartedly embrace your fears.
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”
~Mark Twain
You change when you desire to make a change. Really it’s that simple.
If you truly want to be successful then start by thinking of yourself as successful. Don’t let fear get in your way. Fear can paralyze you, fear can stop you from your dreams, and fear will only disappear when you face it head on. You can create true change by moving forward one step at a time. We often fear the unknown, so it’s a good idea to remember that change is good even if it might not sit too well with you at that very moment. Believe what you want is possible and you’re half way there!
Tips to Create Change and Embrace Your Fear Peacefully
• Make the decision to change your mindset because only you can decide whether you’re going to effectively change or not.
• Be patient with yourself. Do the best you can. Be your best friend.
• Think of fear as an adventure. As a new way to travel uncharted waters and you will discover your true strengths.
• Embrace your fear. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Celebrate your success.
• Stop saying you can’t, start to believe you can.
• Discover how to relax in order to achieve what you want. Relaxing can work better than you pushing yourself by trying harder and harder.
• Don’t build the fear in your mind by creating a false story. Stop allowing these false tales from moving you forward. Instead ask yourself… “Is the story I’ve created true?”
• Don’t have a fear mind-set because it causes you to accept mediocrity. Expect the best and it will come.
• Choose LOVE over Fear. You can’t love and be fearful at the same time. Where there is LOVE, you feel peace, joy and serenity. Stay away from negative thoughts when you are experiencing fear; are feeling pessimistic, anxious, sad, depressed, tired, guilt, or shame.
• Create a shift in your mindset by focusing on the positive thoughts that will make you happier and create good feelings. Think about the areas where you have excelled in the past and feel proud about. This will inspire you to take action towards you goals and prevent inaction.
• Don’t let fear have time to think. If you procrastinate, and obsess, fear has the time to paralyze your abilities and efforts. As a result you fall short of your desires and never reach your dreams.
• Take responsibility for expanding your growth. The more you know, the less you fear.
• Thoughts are powerful. Be positive in your self talk and attitude. Silence the voice of fear by thinking about what you truly wand, steer away from fear and doubt.
When you are ready and take action this is where the fun really begins because action steps enable real change to happen. If you are not ready, or don’t take action then no progress can be made and your dreams are left in your imagination. Sometimes you might want to do something so much that you become obsessed and still nothing changes. If this happens then you must immediately stop pushing yourself, and instead relax. Doing so will clear your mind so you can honestly access the situation to find the best solutions that will help you reach your goals.
Piece of cake, right? Yes, it’s easier than you think if you start now with one action step at your pace. Learn to embrace your fear now so you can enjoy the incredible possibilities that are waiting for you. It’s simply a matter of beginning the process of change right where you are now. You are capable of handling whatever happens, so make a commitment to continue moving toward your goals with bold courage. You truly do possess a brave heart! You just need to use it and can start anytime you choose. Begin by changing how you see fear and learn to embrace it. Don’t run from it, instead move through it with the understanding that where fear appears in lies your greatest growth. It’s worth the journey so never give up! You must keep your dreams alive and EMBRACE FEAR peacefully in order to create the lifestyle you truly desire.
Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness,
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