Successfully living a healthy lifestyle is well within your grasp. When you combine better food choices with a consistent workout regime you will soon discover life becomes more fulfilling while ensuring your future well being. Create time to work out and refuse to diet while you watch what you eat and your mind & body will feel the difference. The nutrition factor is just as important as working out in the gym. You can incorporate both of these elements into your regime with a bit of dedication and minor adjustments within your daily routine. Some say it’s difficult to really incorporate working out into their busy schedule but you can work out at home or just wake up 15 minutes earlier to start your day at the gym. With regular exercise your endorphin level rises thereby making you feel good within a high energy vibration. All you need is 30 minutes a day to begin the process. If you’re serious about changing your life then finding an accountability partner is a good place to start. This way you will see that exercising regularly will get your energy flowing and will relieve stress while you are steadily breathing in oxygen that gets your heart pumping and blood flowing. In other words… you will have created a support base for yourself which will ensure your success.
When I started my program, I could not walk one half of a block, now I find excercise empowering. My favorite are pushups, like the photo above. I reached 100 pushups on the ball. What an incredible feeling! You can instantly feel good about yourself with exercise. I’ve learned first hand that you can do anything you set your mind to! Exercise is challenging and requires discipline. Don’t let yourself off the hook. Having become accountable has really taken the pressure off of me rather than adding more like I foolishly believed it would before getting started. When you’re ready there is no stopping you. Start now to establish those habits that will fuel your healthy lifestyle goals. Success is just around the corner.
There are other ways you can set yourself up for success. It is well worth every penny to hire someone to support you through your healthy living journey. Be sure to hire a trainer that you are comfortable with. It’s pretty easy to find someone now a days by just asking your trusted friends. Now it’s possible for you to meet up with your coach and you don’t even have to leave your house. I have had great success with my online coach, Gena Livings. She is a great motivator and developed a program that helped me meet my health & weight loss goals. l’ve successively lost 57 pounds since September ‘09 using two fabulous coaches Gena Livings and Pat Barone. You can check out their programs on their websites at and respectively. I have 100% confidence you will be pleased!
Below are some quick and easy tips to get you pumped and ready to roll:
4 Easy Steps to beginning the process
10 Easy ways to begin your healthy habits.
1. For those of you, who do not have an allergy to wheat; eat whole grain breads and cereals, brown rice pastas instead of white. The healthier and cleaner you eat the better you will feel and you will nourish you body.
2. Eat fiber or protein-rich food throughout the day to maintain energy levels and help you to feel full longer.
3. Get adequate rest at night; take down time to recharge your batteries. (I am still challenged by this concept as I prefer to write than sleep).
4. Surround yourself with people who inspire and you feel good around. Positive people are supportive and up lifting and have good energy which is contagious.
5. Drink plenty of Water. If you are working, keep a bottle of water on your desk and take sips during the day. If you are outside beware of hot summer days, stay hydrated. Consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day whenever you can. Being dehydrated can drain your energy and make you feel tired. Staying hydrated can also help to minimize muscle soreness and cramping.Water helps detoxify the body and will increase your metabolism and improve your digestive function. A hydrated body can also help you from being anxious.
6. Eat well-balanced meals including a healthy breakfast. I love my Arbonne protein shakes full of 20 essential vitamins and minerals. Eat nothing that is high in sugar or you will feel lethargic and not be as efficient as you need to be.
7. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy products.
8. Plan ahead; make a list before you go to the supermarket to shop.
9. Take breaks to have a snack, rehydrate, and re-energize.
10. Prepare snacks ready to go for the week in Tupperware. Keep emergency food on you, in your purse or your car. Fresh dried fruits, nuts or whole wheat grains like flaxseed crackers or quick energy items
Eight suggestions to avoid
1. Stay away from foods that are processes, full of pesticides, hormones or preservatives.
2. Stay away from white breads, pastas and starches (empty calories) that do nothing for your body.
3. Reduce or cut out Drugs and Alcohol. We might feel good at the time but in the long run holding our feeling inside is not healthy
4. Don’t decide not to exercise if you don’t have a spare room for equipment or space to move. Remember where there is a will there is a way. You can find a way if you really desire you want to.
5. Stay away from excess salt as it makes you crave sugar.
6. Stay away from excess sugar, it makes you crave salt so try and keep those in balance. Sugar is addictive and your body craves it.
7. Keep unhealthy junk foods away as far as possible. Avoid temptations if you can.
8. Avoid soft drinks. Regular soda (1 can of coke) has a ton of sugar, 16 teaspoons. Diets soda has 0 calories but has artificial ingredients that are not healthy for you and will wreak havoc on your metabolism
One final thought on nutrition and your diet. Remember, healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, exercising regularly and having fun doing it. As you choose the path to create well being ask others for help when you need it. Set yourself up for success without depriving yourself of what you desire. You will need to find the right combination for you. But the best part is that this is part of the fun. It is not necessary to eliminate something, just balance it and keep everything in moderation. Get started with a few easy healthy habits. When you see how good it feels to be successful you will be ready to add a few more. Small victories will lead to big changes! By mindfully choosing healthy habits, establishing a healthy lifestyle, you create a better quality of life. It’s all up to you because it’s your personal responsibility to take care of your health and well being. Only YOU can make the choice to take care of your health. If you choose better, eat healthier, you can make a difference in your health and live life to the fullest! Take the first step in finding your right balance so you can feel great and accomplish your health & wellness goals. I’m rooting for you all the way!
Please feel free to contact me at with any questions you have. Let’s share our living a healthier lifestyle together. Create an excellent day. ~Bonnie