How To Simply Create More Well-Being and Learn to Love Life Again
How to Simply Create More Well-Being and Learn to Love Life Again
Do you resist change? I know sometimes I do. Have you had something that you wanted to share, a project that you have been working on for months that when it takes you a long time to complete and you begin to feel a bit frustrated? This is a normal feeling; however it’s important to remember not to allow yourself to be frustrated for long periods of time because it could cause you to stop taking action. You may have caught yourself resisting change but allowing frustration to linger can cause you to doubt yourself and move you in a direction that could lead you to not realizing your dreams, goals, and aspirations. We all resist change from time to time but closing the door before opportunities reveal themselves is not a good solution. It’s better to be patient with yourself. Take time to invest in YOU by removing the urge to resist change and learn to focus on the action steps that will move you closer to the goals and desires you are striving for.
Sometimes a friendly reminder helps. I know my coach has repeatedly said “there is no trying, just doing”. I have learned when you resist change, you lose that peaceful feeling within and you stop your growth potential dead in its tracts. It’s certainly not worth it. It’s better to do your best, trust your gifts and take the necessary action steps towards what you want to accomplish instead of being paralyzed with fear. When you stop resisting, you set in motion real change and are open to love life again without struggle, stress, and you will find that that you have more peace and happiness.
If you find yourself resisting change or have a project that you have been working on that is taking longer than you wanted today is the day to take action, no matter how small. Don’t resist and make up a story of why not to do it. Instead take the first simple action step that will move you closer to creating more wealth and well-being in your life, and follow the steps outlined below.
Simple Steps To Create More Well-Being To Love Life Again
- When you are uncertain or feeling some fear, take the next small step even if it’s for only 5 minutes.
- Set aside an hour and create a one page simple plan of what you want to do in the next year. Keep it close by you. Tweak it later on, but get something on paper. By having a plan, you will feel more relaxed, organized and be excited again.
- Love what you do. Ask yourself how can I incorporate what I love to do more into life?
- Have the courage to go out of your comfort zone. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and see the growth that follows.
- Imagine your life with less stress, increased confidence, and days that flow with ease, instead of days filled with pain.
- Spend time with your family and friends that you feel good when being around them.
- It’s OK to get angry but don’t stay in that place for long. Give forgiveness to others and YOU!
- Adopt an attitude of gratitude!
- Find a way to make peace with your past. If you need support get a coach who can help you process your thoughts and feelings so you can move on and love life again.
- Choose happiness. You are in charge of your own happiness.
- Believe in miracles, they happen every day.
- Keep thinking positive thoughts. Cut off the negative thoughts that keeps bringing you down. Learn to accept feedback and use it to get better each day.
I trust you found the tips given within my 7 Days to More Wealth and Well-Being” series useful in charting a course for helping you to take action, resist change, and in moving you even closer toward creating a life full of wealth and well-being without the stress. Life is too short not to live it to the fullest. You will find that positive consistent action will help you feel better and to become more fulfilled like never before. Incorporating the steps above will leave you encouraged and help in keeping excitement in your heart and mind. Resist living small and make some bold moves so that you can feel deep within your heart that wealth and well-being is possible for you. You have the power to create change, invest in YOU and love life again.
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