Do you care about what you put on you body? Why should you care? Parabens exist in many personal care products. Did you know they can be in your personal care products and they can cause cancer? The skin is our biggest organ. It takes 26 seconds for chemicals to get into your blood stream. Before using a product that you place on your skin read the ingredients on the package. If it doesn’t say Paraben Free, there is a good chance you are using a product that contains them. Companies like Arbonne are proud to let you know they are Paraben Free. Their products are Pure Safe and Beneficial.
Parabens are known to cause cancer. It is important to take care of your health, be aware and care! I would like to share with you a report ‘State of the Evidence 2008 Fifth Edition edited by Janet Gray, Ph.D. that demonstrates that a significant body of scientific evidence links exposures to radiation and synthetic chemicals to an increased risk of breast cancer.”
Breast Cancer Fund download
In the State of Evidence 2008 report on breast cancer says the following: Parabens mimic estrogen, above excessive estrogen is a huge factor in breast cancer. There’s likely many other currently unknown reasons to not put Parabens on your face everyday. A recent study from the Wiley Online Library showed 99% of patients with breast cancer sampled in the study tested positive for at least one type of Paraben.
Arbonne’s extensive line of skin care products are Paraben Free, they use concentrated blends of herbal and botanical extracts. They are Botanically-based, pH correct, hypoallergenic, and dermatologist-tested; Arbonne’s products are formulated in Switzerland and manufactured in the United States. There are different laws and regulations in the US and Europe, Europe has higher standards and Arbonne’s follows them.
The wellness and anti-aging industry industries are booming. Beware of what companies are selling to you. How much is YOUR LIFE worth? Value your life and live it to the fullest. Use products that are Paraben free. Order now and give yourself the gift of Arbonne today. Go to
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Wishing you good health, wealth and happiness.
Create an excellent day.
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Bonnie Gortler (@optiongirl) is a successful stock market guru who is passionate about teaching others about social media, weight loss and wealth. Over her 30-year corporate career, she has been instrumental in managing multi-million dollar client portfolios within a top rated investment firm. Bonnie is a uniquely multi-talented woman who believes that honesty, loyalty and perseverance are the keys to success. You will constantly find her displaying these beliefs due to her winning spirit and ‘You Can Do It’ attitude. Bonnie is a huge sports fan that has successfully lost over 70 pounds by applying the many lessons learned through her ongoing commitment toward personal growth and development while continually encouraging others to reach their goals & dreams. It is within her latest book project, “Journey to Wealth”, where Bonnie has made it her mission to help everyone learn the steps needed to gain sustainable wealth and personal prosperity. Order your copy of ”Journey to Wealth” today!
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