We build relationships all the time, whether it’s in business, through your personal life or within the happenings that occur day to day. There is no escape, you are surrounded by people. The relationships you create with family, friends, and associates shape the life you lead. Sometimes when the unexpected happens, the perception of what you thought you believed changes and forever impacts your life experiences. These unexpected surprises are miracles in action and are worth acknowledging at every turn.
It may not always seem like it but miracles really do happen all around us. This is why you must never give up on your hopes and dreams. You must learn to believe they are truly possible if you plan to have all that you wish for or desire. One of the biggest miracles in my life that happened unexpectedly was when my mother-in-law, who I love dearly, became paralyzed. All the muscles in her body collapsed and she was only able to move her hands from side to side, speak, and nothing more. Most doctors gave up on her, but she continued to fight for survival. Her mindset, attitude and belief became the foundation that helped her get through the challenges and enabled her to recover. Her recovery allowed all of us to have many more celebrations together as she is still enjoying her life. What an incredible gift and an extraordinary miracle!
Taking time with the family to go on vacation is a priority of mine. Everyone needs some fun time to get away from the stresses of life. In late July, I was able to enjoy a special time with my family in Aruba, my home away from home. Aruba is our place to, relax, refresh, and experience tranquility at its best. This particular trip I noticed that I was a bit distracted in my efforts to unwind, and it took an extra amount of effort and time for me to relax and let go. This served as a warning sign for me to always be thankful for the miracles that appear or have appeared in our lives. Life moves so fast and every day routines can easily become the backdrop of our lives but it’s our job to never forget to take notice and show gratitude for the miracles that surround us. We must stop and acknowledge these gifts (big & small alike) for there are miracles that unfold before us each and every day.
Social media can bring so much joy into your life by helping to solidify established relationships and by bringing you new friends from all over the world. I know this first hand and it has changed my life for the better. Even with all the fun, there are times you find out things that are not pleasurable and are downright shocking. Little did I know an unexpected event would occur one week before my vacation that would test my belief of miracles.
Here’s what happened. I went on Facebook on July 11, 2015 and saw a post from my coaches’ daughter that said – traveling to New Orleans, “Please pray for my mom”. My mouth dropped, I became speechless, I was stunned. Though I didn’t react or panic (this never helps a situation), I remember saying “Oh My God” with a feeling inside of me saying something was very wrong. I flashed back to key words of the conversation from the day before, “don’t sweat the small stuff”. Wow, I was not expecting a real time lesson that would be as traumatic as in her near death experience.
I have a strong bond with my coach, Sheri Kaye Hoff, and quickly became emotional but soon reminded myself what I learned in coaching over the years, emotions are your friends, and it’s OK to feel them so don’t stuff them inside. I had also recently learned from my friend that people reach out on Facebook for support, a lesson that was divinely timed.
The texts, e mails, and FB messages helped me to uncover more of what was going on. Tears started to come down my face, I was scared and for a moment I thought I wouldn’t be able to speak with her again. I let out some of my emotions turning to my friends on Facebook, who supported me in the time when I needed it most. I finally managed to find an inner peace; I regrouped, had faith, and started thinking positive healing thoughts that all is well.
I was a little distracted, not able to concentrate or focus on anything very well but I would follow on FB what was going on waiting and looking for when an update would become available. Indeed there were many. Prayers were being said from so many friends and family. I could feel she was fighting for her survival. I would find out she was in ICU on a ventilator and not breathing on her own. More emotions came out, tears, and prayers. Then the miracle happened I found out she could breathe on her own and I knew she would do everything in her power to make it through. I still remember when she called and I answered the phone, so happy to hear her voice. All the tools that she has shared over the years, she used to heal her heart. Her mission in life is not complete, so much more for her to do.
Remember that life is a gift and it’s time to open your heart. You may come across the darkest of times but have faith in knowing that miracles do happen. Just believe!
When I went on vacation a week later I knew she had survived, but more healing needed to take place for a complete recovery of her heart. I continued to think positive and while away I opened my heart to write this poem.
From My Heart
Surprised and alarmed to see
Words that said please pray for me
My heart raced as I felt fright
In disbelief I said let there be light
Prayer was asked for
Time to close the door
I have learned not to react but to respond
Take a breadth, don’t panic and feel the bond
Looking for a new post on the internet
Be patient and there would be good news to get
I reached out for support
A blessing, a gift including a lesson was taught
In the moment my thoughts were a blur
I prayed God please take care of her
Hearing how her heart stopped beating
Praying for an opportunity there would be another meeting
Time passed by and tears would fly
I prayed he would watch over her with his eye
Good thoughts past through my mind
With an open heart be kind
Her will to live would overrule
God would protect the beautiful jewel
Go within you can handle the tough
Remember don’t sweat the small stuff
The best is ahead, your mission to do
Gratitude and appreciation with unconditional love for you.
The magic of miracles is all around us. Even though challenges are part of everyday life it is always helpful to remember that how you perceive and deal with them is all within your power. You are important and matter. Give yourself permission to enjoy life, do what your heart desires, and become grateful for ALL the miracles that surround you. It just takes open eyes and an appreciative heart to see them. Do what you think is fun, keep a positive mindset, and don’t sweat the small stuff! Life is a gift, so be grateful and believe that miracles really do happen!
Read the inspiring story of Sheri Kaye Hoff’s near death experience by visiting http://wp.me/pOYcg-F5
Do you have a miracle story?
If so, share via email at Bonnie@BonnieGortler.com.
It will be great to hear about your miracle in action!
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