How to Create an Attitude of Gratitude
Since the holiday season is underway, now is a great time to reflect on what you are grateful for and to share your gratitude. This will be a busy season for most but you can be in the spirit of “thanksgiving” every day by practicing and expressing your appreciation to those around you. Make a firm commitment to growing in mind and spirit and watch as you find yourself experiencing a renewed sense of inner peace and more enjoyment in life. By introducing a daily practice of being mindful and expressing gratitude, you give yourself the strength to get through the never-ending challenges that occur in life. Gratitude is the start of happiness and a thankful spirit brings an abundance of confidence and love that will bring joy into your life each day.
Start each day by telling someone “thank you” or by sharing a simple “I appreciate you”, and see what happens. One kind word of encouragement can make a huge difference in someone’s life. You never know when others may be going through difficult times and how your kindness can impact the life of another. Today, make it your intention to help someone. Give them the words of hope and encouragement they need in order to believe in themselves. Be the inspiration. You can make a difference by being the one person who took the time to put a smile on their face. Sharing is caring, and your efforts will find a way back to you over and over again.
Often, I reflect on my own wealth and well-being journey. It’s as if each misstep has brought me to where I am now and has made me wiser, happier, and stronger. I have also found a level of peace (read my article “Embrace the Journey to Inner Peace”) that wasn’t present before. Before my journey, I didn’t realize how much I loved inspiring others to do what they are passionate about and how satisfying it is being supportive of someone discovering their dreams. Giving insight, sharing encouraging words, and lifting the spirit of another by caring for them is a gift (plus you get an added bonus since it makes you feel good too).
These type of revelations and feelings of peace and well-being are possible for you as well. It’s important to maintain a positive mindset and to take immediate action on the goals that you want to achieve. Maybe you have felt fear or been hesitant to take action due to disappointment. I recommend that you take a small step each day toward what you want to achieve. Decide you will let go of the fear and self-doubt. Don’t worry about what others think. Reach out to find a person who will support you, one that you can trust. Remember, I’m here for you.
Use this moment now to discover what you are passionate about and give yourself permission to begin what you’ve been putting off. What are your gifts and talents? Have you taken note or patted yourself on the back on how you’ve grown over the years? Taking stock in yourself places you in a better position in knowing where you want to go. Reach deep and give thanks to the person you’ve become. Your mental and physical health can benefit greatly from practicing daily self-appreciation. Be kind and gentle with yourself if you are unsure where to start. It’s not a race or a competition because you are on your own lifelong journey of growth and self-discovery.
It seems so long ago but saying “I can’t” was one of my favorite responses. This was a story I told myself on a regular basis and it got me nowhere fast. The more times I would say “NO”, I found myself full of fear and self-doubt which would lead me to procrastinate. As a result, I didn’t achieve what I set out to do. I’ve learned how to better handle my own negative thoughts through years of personal development and within each of my coaching sessions. I learned by being patient with myself and by not comparing myself to others, that it’s possible to do whatever you set your mind to by taking small focused action steps and do each one the best you can.
Learning how to keep your eyes on the prize and keeping a good attitude in all things will help you experience a sense of inner peace and keep your mind clear. Getting stressed, anxious, or frustrated is not worth it. If you find yourself going down the same path, now is the time to start looking for the solutions instead of focusing your valuable attention on what’s wrong. Handling situations in this way have proven a much better option and have kept me from being paralyzed with inaction. Watch how your self-confidence begins to grow as you get out of your own way and do what you never imagined was possible.
Case and point, I had a goal years ago to help others grow in their financial confidence, now, since creating my e-course Wealth Through Investing Made Simple another part of this dream has become a reality. It was a lot of hard work but I know it would not have been possible if I hadn’t taken the steps to improve within myself, so I could share my gifts with the world. Now it’s your turn. Step back, take a moment to grab your pen and write down your number one goal. Look at it closely and then close your eyes as you promise yourself that you will start it NOW. Yes, right NOW. Remember that each of those small steps counts and with every action, you will be much closer than you were before.
By practicing more gratitude, thanksgiving, and self-love your light will shine bright and fill you with abundance, joy, and happiness. Creating a positive attitude and sharing a feeling of gratitude is a great way to keep yourself looking and feeling good. Use the tips below for even more insight:
14 Tips How To Create An Attitude of Gratitude
- Think positive and happy thoughts.
- Keep a daily journal. Write down 10 things you are grateful for. Try it and over time you will see the difference in how you will feel.
- If you are frustrated or irritated, shift your thoughts to positive ones. Don’t stay frustrated for too long. Ask yourself, how can I make this simple?
- Constantly be kind and gentle on yourself.
- Take a break when you are pressing or feeling pressure. The more you press, the longer something will take you to complete.
- Surround yourself with people who you trust and support you.
- Learn to not take what is said personally. Learn the lesson and throw the rest away.
- Take a small action step that inspires and makes you happy.
- You matter. You are important. Again, be gentle and kind to yourself.
- Schedule YOU time on your calendar. For example, go for a walk, call a friend, book a 2-hour massage (my favorite), or buy yourself a present.
- Close your eyes and allow yourself to be still. Do nothing for a minute or two, take a moment for you.
- Follow what your heart desires. Use only your voice to guide you.
- Watch your words that you tell yourself. Focus your thoughts on what you want instead of thoughts of the things you don’t want. (A law of attraction principle).
- Decide today to stretch yourself by going out of your comfort zone. Take one action step to do what you have never done before. I’m here to support you.
Once you create the habit of practicing thankfulness, you will feel a sense of confidence that will create an abundance of happiness which will increase the amount of serenity and tranquility in your life. Take a moment and choose at least two tips from above and begin them NOW! Remember to also share at least one with a person you love. You will not only improve your own well-being, but you will make a big difference in someone else’s life.
Maybe the biggest takeaway from all of this is to remember to make the time to do what you are passionate about, learn to love yourself, share your love with others, and to keep an attitude of gratitude. Life is full of triumphs and challenges, but you can bring more joy into your life by making it a daily practice to be kind and compassionate with yourself and those around you. Let me know what you are most grateful for and enjoy a most wonderful holiday season!