Guest Post: Are You Ready to Move Your Business Forward for Greater Success? by Mari-Lyn Harris
Join a Women’s’ Mastermind group, for those who are willing to take action. The group will create a dramatic (maybe even profound experience) and produce positive changes in your business.
Key Benefits:
- The connectivity and networks to tap into
- Help making decisions
- Critical insights or evaluations
- Friendships
Empowering Women has been one of my callings for a while…I recently opened up my wish box, only to discover all my wishes and prayers. With so many men and women out of work and for so many of us who want to do our passions, why aren’t we?
It’s time to listen to ourselves and get started even if we don’t know how yet. Our lives and businesses are blended, it’s hard for us to try to separate them, as they are a part of our whole life. There is a spark within us that speaks to us of which we really need to listen to. This spark within us wants to ignite, to shine brightly, show ourselves to the world the difference we can and are making.
+ I know for myself when I have been involved in a Mastermind group, I’ve felt empowered, supported, knowing that I can take my next steps with confidence love and ease.
+ Embrace the direction you want to go, know that your life will be changed and supported. Anything is possible.
+ When we enrich ourselves, we then can enrich others, including our families, friends and our clients. The more we help ourselves, the more we have to give, to help and inspire others.
“A mastermind alliance is built of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite object.” Napoleon Hill
Inviting you to join my Women’s Mastermind group. Each group will have 6 women plus me as your facilitator. Meeting on a weekly basis for 8 weeks online.
The group will provide ideas and challenge you:
- You’ll be expected to do what you say you will do.
- Your partners will hold you accountable.
- You will be supported to get the results that you say you want.
The Master Mind Principle also teaches that other like-minded women who can believe for you AND ACCEPT AS TRUE FOR YOU – things you may find difficult to conceive or believe for yourself. This is a Key to grow your business.
DON’T WAIT! Register here: //
DO IT NOW! As the spots will fill up quickly.
1. A brainstorming session with me
2. Money belief class
3. Enneagram class
Written by Mari-Lyn Harris of Heart@Work who is a Mentor, Business Owner, Author, and Business Success Specialist. She’s been an Entrepreneur since 11 years old. Been around the block a few times. If you have any questions call her at 510-320-8332 or email her Mari-lyn at //