What would you do if suddenly you no longer had your job and found yourself with the ability to fill your day as you pleased? Would you embrace the change or find yourself overwhelmed at the prospect? I believe what makes the difference in your response is if you were able to choose the change yourself or if it was made for you. I’m asking because I recently experienced a not by choice job loss myself, and found myself somewhere right in the middle of being excited and uncertain as to what was to come.
Needless to say, my new found circumstances have been an adjustment. Imagine going from a demanding full schedule to be able to do those things that have been on the backburner. I am now able to create a flexible schedule on my terms and the freedom to decide what my day would consist of.
You may be in a position right now where you want to make a change and are unsure how to start or what it will entail. You may find yourself negatively impacted by the pandemic or other circumstances that are out of your control. Whatever your situation, you want to make sure you have as little stress and tension as possible. There are challenges that may be working against you already, so remember to be gentle with yourself by keeping things simple and do what makes you happy.
Feeling some pressure or stress is to be expected with the changes you may be experiencing or want to make in your life. Don’t allow yourself to get to the point of feeling overwhelmed. You are capable of overcoming any obstacles that may get in your way. The transition can cause some unexpected interruptions, which may cause you to become frustrated or discouraged. Expecting some negatives through this journey will allow you to make the necessary adjustments for maintaining your mental and physical wellbeing moving forward. Don’t wait until you feel irritable or frustrated to begin taking care of yourself. Remember that disruptions are going to happen and that they are out of your control. Whether it’s your child, pets, the phone, or something else – YOU have the ultimate say in how you respond.
“To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.” ~ Leonard Bernstein
With consistent daily habits, focus, and discipline, you too can start creating what you want in your life. Spend time every day reflecting on what has happened and make firm decisions on what you will do differently. Are you working long hours? Can you make any changes by adding some boundaries at work or at home? Make time each day planning for your future and actively visualize how you want things to be. It’s also important to make peace with what you cannot change. Other people and their responses are one area where we have no control. You can control your response. Healthy change requires you to pinpoint what’s causing you to stress and placing yourself in the best position for success. How you handle your stress greatly impacts your present quality of life and your future happiness. Start changing a few of your habits and your response to others, and you will be well on your way to enjoying each day of your life that much more.
16 Tips How To Enjoy Your day With purpose, Discipline, and Focus
- Create a dedicated space for you. Have a dedicated place that is free of distractions when you work. Make sure you have a comfortable chair with support for your lower back.
- Minimize interruptions. Close your door if you have one. You can put a sign on your door saying, please don’t disturb unless necessary. Make your time count. By increasing your focus, you will achieve what you set out to do.
- Commit to a specific time that you finish work. Set a time when you stop answering emails or texts. For example, anything after 8 PM will have to wait. Tomorrow is another day.
- Schedule free time for you. Schedule a 30 minute to an hour break into your day.
- Stop doing what’s not working. Seek out how you can simplify what you are doing, and then take action.
- Keep regular hours. Plan a schedule that makes you happy. If you work from home, set working hours, and follow them. For example, 9-to-5 or 10-to-6. Say to yourself, I’m done, and stick to it.
- Visualize something you desire. Shift your thoughts. Include relevant details such as a time horizon, people, or places that are meaningful to you. It could be a dream house, a vacation with your friends and family, or seeing yourself playing your favorite instrument. Whatever makes you smile and feel good, think about it. Don’t worry about how you are going to make it happen.
- Take breaks regularly. Get up and stretch your legs, grab a cup of coffee, eat a healthy snack, or take a lunch break.
- Enjoy your time with your friends or family. Watch a show with your family or plan a fun event. Schedule it on your calendar in advance, so everyone knows, and then make it happen.
- Take time each day for relaxation, to boosts your spirit or mood. Meditation allows you to sit quietly and reap the healthy benefits from deep breathing. Do this by first closing your eyes. “Count down slowly from 10 to zero. Then take three deep breaths holding each one to a count of 6 and release.
- Schedule fun and learning into your day’s activities. For some examples, I have a yoga class I do twice a week. I go to business training, and I’m part of a Mastermind group that meets a few times in a month.
- Get up a half-hour early. Use that time to create a healthy routine you enjoy doing such as reading, exercising, journaling, or meditating.
- Do an exercise routine that you enjoy. Move your body or go for a walk. Exercise relieves stress. Take action.
- If you need a pick me up, reach out, call a friend who you know will listen. Say how you feel. Don’t only complain and talk negatively, get their views, and move to happier thoughts.
- Have a daily practice of gratitude. Giving thanks increases your happiness and opens up the possibilities of abundance, love, and joy in your life. A daily dose of gratitude can create significant shifts in your life. I know it does for me, and with commitment, it’s possible for you too.
- Give one kind word to someone each day. Why not start today by telling someone “thank you” or by sharing the words “I appreciate you.” You can make a huge difference in someone’s life. You don’t know what someone may be going through and how your kindness and thoughtfulness can impact their life experience.
Achieving what you want and enjoying your day requires discipline, consistency, and focus. A simple routine that you can follow each day that energizes you will also add joy to your life and help you better in facing obstacles along the way. Do what makes you happy, and create activities that you can look forward to. Decide it’s your time to feel good and enjoy life. Do what you are passionate about, be resilient, and become even more mindful in making each day of your life better than the last.
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