When I was younger I always wanted to be a Spanish teacher, however my mother didn’t think I should. For me this decision turned out well especially since I can now enjoy seeing my daughter use her talents as she supports and teaches other children. Here is my daughter’s thoughts:
As a pre-service teacher I have learned that a teacher can truly make an impact on a child’s life. I feel that a teacher’s role as the support system for students in the classroom relates to a dance class. In a ballet class, a ballerina holds on to a ballet bar with one hand for support. As the dancer holds onto the bar it ensures their safety. When dancers in pointe shoes let go of the bar too early in their training, many of them get severely injured and cannot dance for months. Once they realize that their dream of becoming an unbelievable dancer is put on hold, it devastates them. Holding on to the ballet bar is an extremely important and essential support system just like a teacher is to a student in the classroom.
- I believe that all teachers can change a student’s life in a positive way. Many students have family problems back at home and their only escape is school. School shields them from issues at home.
- I believe that students should feel comfortable in a classroom and be able to trust their teacher. As a pre-service teacher I now understand that it is a teacher’s job to be there for a student. Many children have no one to talk to or open up to and a teacher could be that person for them.
- I believe that a teacher is a person that students can be honest with, talk to and take into their confidence. Many students see their teacher as someone they look up to and want to be exactly like.
- I believe it’s a teacher’s responsibility to make sure that their classroom is a home, a place where students get full support from their peers and their teacher.
In my classroom I will make sure that all of my students understand that I am there for them in any situation. I want them to know that I am their balance bar, their support. As a pre-service teacher I realize that every student is diverse and has their own issue that they need to overcome. I want my students to be comfortable talking to me about these challenges. To ensure this, every day my goal is to get a little one-on-one time with my students. By doing this, I feel that it will make students comfortable talking to me about anything. I want my students to know they can come to speak with me about anything, not only things related to school. I want all of my students to realize that a personal relationship with their teacher is a great thing to have. A teacher can truly make a positive impact on a child’s life. Another idea that I have for my classroom is on Friday afternoons an hour before dismissal I will tell my students to go to the reading rug in the back of the classroom and work on their independent writing work or read a book of their choice. While everyone is working or reading on the rug I will be at my desk. My students can see me one by one and talk to me about any problems they are having. Whether it is an issue with family members, home life, issues with friends, or difficulties at school, I am there to help, I will make this concept clear to my students. I believe that as a pre-service teacher it is my job to be the support system for my students and that I can change my student’s lives in a positive way. ~Amanda
You are so right on Amanda. I love working with kids in my practice because they are so open to learning. They don't have as much of the need to understand that holds back the adults. When that face is open and shinny and looking at me, there is nothing more important in the whole world. Thanks for your article.
Thank you for your thoughts. The younger generation is the future! Lets keep teaching, sharing and putting smiles on faces.