Do you find yourself easily upset, distracted, or irritated? Would you like to experience more happiness? Imagine what it would be like to embrace each day feeling happy and peaceful.
Begin creating more happiness by deciding today to commit to making small changes in your current lifestyle. Start by getting disciplined about including daily practices within your day.
Making the decision and adding focused action steps creates a strong foundation from which you can grow. Don’t worry about what may go wrong or allow yourself to get caught up in the negativity around you.
Are you so busy, have a big list of things to do and on the run all the time? The only thing this does is create that feeling of overwhelm and shifts your thoughts to how stressed you may feel. By breaking your tasks down into smaller action steps, you place yourself in a position for success. Learn to avoid the distractions around you. You control your thoughts. You can have more happiness by embracing each experience with a positive attitude and by being present in the moment.
“Every single second is an opportunity to change your life
because in any moment you can change the way you feel.”
~ Rhonda Byrne
What goals are you working on that you want to complete? Is there anything on the back burner you desire to accomplish but need to apply more discipline and consistency to make them a reality? Stop waiting on the perfect time, and learn to embrace each day while you enjoy the journey.
What could daily practices do for you?
- Help you raise your energy.
- Help you become more optimistic and give you a feeling of more confidence.
- Help you relax.
- Help your focus to finish tasks so you can accomplish the goals you desire.
- Help you build a positive mental attitude.
- Help you find peace and have more fun, which in turn increases your level of happiness.
“Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” ~Julia Child
Daily Practices For More Happiness and Peace:
- Increase your happiness by practicing gratitude. Write in your journal five or more things you are grateful for every day.
- Start your day by eating a healthy breakfast to nourish your body.
- Focus on one daily achievement that includes a success you experienced during the day that gave you joy.
- Create a practice where you think a positive thought before going to sleep.
- Move your body daily. Choose an exercise that you like and do it.
- Do something you love every day that makes you happy.
- Sit quietly for five minutes, doing some deep breathing to clear your mind and relax.
With dedication and commitment, you can develop life-changing practice. You will find yourself more focused while enjoying each moment of every day. Stop to take a few minutes for you to relax and let your mind quiet. Being quiet and staying present for even five minutes a day goes a long way in relieving stress and will also give you a sense of peace that will re-energize your mind and spirit.
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