COURAGE – Live it and Feel it! ~ Orianthi Courage ft Lacey
Where do you find the courage to go after what you want when others knock you down? When you’re strong enough to forgive yourself and others that is the sign of real courage. Don’t be afraid to open your heart to the possibilities. Feel the fear and do it anyway. No need to beat yourself up when mistakes happen; simply learn from them. You will gain incredible wisdom that you can use as you push forward, so take a deep breath, be patient and trust yourself. Remember what really counts is how many times you get back up!
Believe you can get through challenging times and you will. Have the courage to reach out, there are people out there who are wonderful and can be there for your support. Surround yourself with positive people that want to see you happy. Create the change and keep on living, smiling and do the best you can do. That is all you can ask of YOU!
Be strong and be true to yourself and you will come out ahead in the long run.
Know that you don’t have to be perfect or live up to anyone’s values. Choose happiness, live it, feel it and be Courageous as you create an excellent week! ~Bonnie