We all have many choices in life. Some are easier than others but more often than not, it is wise for you to follow your heart. You will be thrown some curve balls, but you must keep going, persevere, and never give up.

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If for some reason you are unsure become the observer in your life. Look for the opportunities that are in front of you. Opportunities that you may have been to close to notice before. When you focus on what you do want and desire, you will attract more, and begin to enjoy the journey of life. Believe in You. Learn to become the master of your destiny! It takes practice and patience but well worth it in the end.  YOU CAN do anything that you set your mind to. Focus on what you want, do what you love, and enjoy your journey of life. Create an incredible week! ~Bonnie


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Bonnie S. Gortler
Bonnie Gortler, a Consultant, Coach, and Author, is a Wealth & Well-Being expert with over 35 years of experience in managing multi-million-dollar client portfolios at a top-rated investment firm. As the author of Journey to Wealth, Bonnie is dedicated to teaching the importance of risk management and achieving true financial well-being by integrating both the technical and mental aspects of investing. With an M.B.A. and certification as a life coach, Bonnie combines her passion for coaching, consulting, and blogging to inspire people globally. Her powerful techniques and winning mindset help others experience personal growth and financial success. Explore wealth-building tips, personal development strategies, and more at BonnieGortler.com, and discover how you can enhance your wealth and well-being.  

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