Blog talk Radio hosted by Dori DeCarlo of Word of Mom and share a little about myself in a one hour interview. I was wondering if I would like being a guest as much as I enjoy being in the chat rooms of my friend’s radio shows. I thought speaking for an hour was a long time, and I pondered what the experience would be like. I’ve spoken before but this time speaking was much easier. So much so that I can say it was absolutely fabulous! After the first 5 minutes I felt comfortable and quite relaxed which was different from doing my presentation at my WOW Network speaking engagement in Atlanta when I introduced my colleague and also different than when I presented about my ebook ‘Twitter Magic’ in front of a local networking group in New York. Surprisingly, this interview went by real fast as I relaxed and shared the story of how I started working in the investment field 28 years ago and I am still there today. Dori also allowed me the opportunity to discuss my life as an entrepreneur and expand one work life balance. We had a great time!
Last week I had the opportunity to be a guest onWhen you step out of your comfort zone and you make breakthroughs there is no turning back, the fear is gone. These experiences in the past 6 weeks were great and it was a wonderful feeling to have the support of my friends as I enjoyed the interview process. Dori would ask me questions and the answers came out of my mouth with little or no effort. What a great feeling! I enjoyed my Blog Talk experience and know that I can and will do it again in the future.
Working in the investment field serving clients has taught me so much. Building relationships, networking, and exploring the world on Twitter has given me new friendships with people all around the world (a gift that I will always treasure). It is, however, within these past few weeks that everything has been brought full circle since reaching my goal of public speaking and achieving my weight loss goal of 45 pounds. All I can do is smile. What a way to end 2010.
Take a listen to the interview above and learn more about my journey. Dori has a great show and makes it even more interesting by the callers and guests that appear each week. So mark it as one of your favorites. We had a great time! I’d love to hear your story and comments. So make sure to leave your comments below. Create an excellent week! ~Bonnie
Make a change, step out of the box and explore the wave of the future by downloading my first e book ‘Twitter Magic”. Use it as a guide you when you use Twitter. Tell a friend and make sure to let me know what you think of ‘Twitter Magic’.