I would like to introduce my guest blogger, Gena Livings, one of my Launch partners for “Journey to Wealth” Gena is an enthusiastic dedicated life moderation coach, who shares her philosophy to engage, explore, and experience living a healthy lifestyle. Gena’s blog post Healthy Living exemplifies how you can experience her compassion though her writing. 

This quote by Zig Ziglar “You never know when one kind act, or one word of encouragement, can change a life forever.” describes the impact of what Gena Livings has had on me since we met over the internet in September 09.

How many times in your life have you tried lose weight, go on a diet, and not able to lose weight? If you did make an effort, did you put it back on and sometimes even more.  With Gena’s loving spirit, patience and wisdom I learned it is possible to create change and get out of my own way.  Gena will guide you on a journey to a healthier lifestyle of health and well being.  Restore your mind body and spirit today by using the Gena’s Livings Key Principles and live life to the fullest.  

Take some time and her latest book: “Eat Healthy For Balance and Wholeness” and become a practitioner of healthy living for life!  Gena’s style brings out the best of your self confidence, gives you joy, and inspires you to keep moving forward, to believe and to not give up on yourself, that you can do anything you put your mind to. Now enjoy her guest post in support of my upcoming book launch, “Journey to Wealth”, due out on Oct. 24th. ~Bonnie

Every day, millions of people embark upon a fitness regimen, which typically has just one concentration of focus thereby missing the total body experience.  Living for “total” health is far different from anything else. That’s because it relates to our overall health and well-being.  Our work is based around the choices, habits and actions we choose to make on a daily basis. 

We each have the opportunity to live our best life in all areas of health and well-being if we take personal responsibility for our daily happiness and self-care without excuses.

When we take care of ourselves through exercise, sleep and good nutritional habits we not only enhance our physical, mental and emotional condition, we also deepen the connection we have with ourselves, others and the environment that surrounds us.

Taking good care of our body is more than just watching the scale. Exercise, nutrition and rest are all vital ingredients in the recipe of healthy living.

Unfortunately, many people don’t exercise on a daily basis. However, exercise is vital for healthy living. It helps you maintain your strength and agility, gives your mental health a boost, and can even help diminish chronic pain. Whether you are generally healthy or are coping with an ongoing disability or health problem, regular exercise will help you stay physically and mentally healthy and improve your confidence.

Think of exercise as joyful movement, any movement, not necessarily something that you have to perform for long painful punishing hours at the gym. Choose an activity that you enjoy. The best form of exercise is the one you’ll actually do and stick with, not the one you think you should do.  You can try any activity that involves some type of continuous movement like walking, cycling, swimming, etc.

Then there’s your daily fuel. The foods you eat provide the energy your body needs to function properly.  Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping your mental and physical well-being as healthy as possible for life. The old adage, ‘you are what you eat,’ is still very-much true. What you consume can affect your immune system, your mood, and your energy levels.  Learn more here http://www.genalivings.com/eat-healthy-for-balance-and-wholeness/

Getting the proper amount of rest on a daily basis, like nutrition and exercise, is also important for our minds and bodies to function normally.  Sleep is a type of unconsciousness and is a state of being unaware of the world. Sleep is essential to good health and well-being as it refreshes the body and the mind. If you get enough sleep regularly every night you will feel energized and also be able to function better. 

To become healthy for life, it’s essential to focus on the four areas of our whole being-ness: The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Our mind, body, emotions and spirit are all connected and cannot be separated.  These four areas are all aspects of our whole, not separate entities. To alter one, either positively or negatively, influences our whole being. 

Quite conceptual, your mind is either a friend or foe. Once you learn how to overcome life’s obstacles you will walk a path that is beneficial to you.

Your feelings and emotional state can affect your physical body and overall health. Negative emotions are a natural part of normal living but if prolonged, they can lead to an increased risk of many disease processes and can even shorten your life.  Developing an optimistic attitude however can decrease your risk of disease and increase your longevity.

Healthy living is achieved when our moods improve, we have more energy, less stress, clearer eyes, more mental clarity, more strength and stamina, a clearer completion, better sleep patterns and a lifetime of health and happiness. I’d say that makes it wondrous. We learn to love, honour, and respect our body temple because our bodies are the vehicles that house our thoughts, emotions and our spirits.  We ought to take the time to give thanks and appreciate our bodies for the many ways that they serve us here on earth.

As we grow deeper in our awareness, we begin to notice the changes in our bodies and we gain an even deeper sense of well-being and happiness that is consistent and sustainable for life. We learn to grow more peaceful “within” because we are evolving on the inside and becoming a stronger, healthier person and moving toward our highest self.


Gena Livings is a spiritual practitioner of healthy living and founder of GenaLivings.com.  She is also the author of Eat Healthy for Balance and Wholeness – A conscious food guide for building awareness and honoring your body temple and the complementary on-line guidebook, The Livings Key Principles – For creating wholeness, peace and health from the inside out!  Gena radically redesigned her life after spending eighteen years in a high-stress corporate environment that left her body and spirit utterly depleted.  She studied anatomy, physiology, pathology, sports medicine, nutrition, lifestyle modification coaching and fitness training before obtaining her certification as a personal trainer and health and wellness professional.  She now supports private clients and a growing on-line community with heart-centered, easy and practical ways to balance mind, body and spirit.

Stay tuned, there are some great gifts coming your way during the October 24th launch of “Journey to Wealth” – A Practical and Mindful Approach to Growing and Sustaining Financial Well-Being. I’ll keep you posted of updates as they arrive in. Thank you in advance for all of your love and support. I’m so grateful! 

 To discover how to achieve your financial dreams click here

Visit www.BGJourneyToWealth.com for more insights to growing your wealth!

Bonnie Gortler (@optiongirl) is a successful stock market guru who is passionate about teaching others about social media, weight loss and wealth. Over her 30-year corporate career, she has been instrumental in managing multi-million dollar client portfolios within a top rated investment firm. Bonnie is a uniquely multi-talented woman who believes that honesty, loyalty and perseverance are the keys to success. You will constantly find her displaying these beliefs due to her winning spirit and ‘You Can Do It’ attitude. Bonnie is a huge sports fan that has successfully lost over 70 pounds by applying the many lessons learned through her ongoing commitment toward personal growth and development while continually encouraging others to reach their goals & dreams. It is within her latest book project, “Journey to Wealth”, where Bonnie has made it her mission to help everyone learn the steps needed to gain sustainable wealth and personal prosperity. Order your copy of ”Journey to Wealth” today!

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Bonnie S. Gortler
Bonnie Gortler, a Consultant, Coach, and Author, is a Wealth & Well-Being expert with over 35 years of experience in managing multi-million-dollar client portfolios at a top-rated investment firm. As the author of Journey to Wealth, Bonnie is dedicated to teaching the importance of risk management and achieving true financial well-being by integrating both the technical and mental aspects of investing. With an M.B.A. and certification as a life coach, Bonnie combines her passion for coaching, consulting, and blogging to inspire people globally. Her powerful techniques and winning mindset help others experience personal growth and financial success. Explore wealth-building tips, personal development strategies, and more at BonnieGortler.com, and discover how you can enhance your wealth and well-being.  

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