Do you go for a yearly eye exam? Or do you have a fear that keeps you from going? Take a moment and ask yourself is it worth 30 minutes a year to make sure that your vision is not lost by taking preventative action in ensuring that your eyes are healthy. I can tell you honestly that after going to the eye doctor for 46 years myself that there is nothing to fear and everything to gain. No doubt about it, your eyes are important and serve as the window to the world. Whether you are in good health or are experiencing some health issues (diabetes) it is a good idea to get your eyes examined on a regular basis.
A hidden treatable eye problem is glaucoma (an increase in fluid- pressure in the eye) which can lead to optic damage. It is quite dangerous and leads to blindness. I’ve had glaucoma for over 10 years and have been treated with different kinds of drops to keep the pressure under control, others treat their condition with Laser surgery. In the early stages you have no symptoms. As time goes by you may develop blurred vision leading to vision loss. More often than not both eyes are affected. Know the signs. To find out for sure, you should have a dilated eye exam by an eye care professional at least once a year. I’m sharing this with you because I am passionate about eye health and know first hand that limited or impaired vision can be quite deblitating. Proper care and upkeep is the only way to ensure that you are in a position of power instead of being a victim of your circumstances.
Having glaucoma has made me a believer that your eyes should never be neglected. When you visit the eye doctor there is a painless test that is performed to determine the health of your eyes. As a person with eye issues my whole life I suggest going to an ophthalmologist that can give you an indepth eye exam. Start now to establish a relationship early and over the years will be able to see if there are significant changes that warn of early symptoms. The exam is a painless procedure and if you have insurance coverage, your eye exam is covered by your medical benefits. So there is no excuse!
Take the action and dial the phone to schedule an eye exam. Give yourself a gift. Give yourself lasting eyesight because you are important and truly matter!