“The highest good is like water. Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive. It flows.”
Are you thinking about your growing to do list, and feeling stressed out. If your emotions are getting the best of you know there are solutions within your grasp. Your thoughts and emotions are very powerful. Use them to your advantage instead of stuffing them down and holding them inside of you. Change your thought to a more positive one. Recall a past event where you were proud of yourself and happy. Learn to let go of those negative thoughts that don’t serve you. If you are struggling, be open, share them with a trusted friend who will listen and support you.
If you are not quite ready to share, then take a moment and listen to the meditation music within the video below. You will find the calming and soothing music by Marcomé. Her music will help calm your nerves and bring you closer to a place of peace and tranquility. As you listen, also watch the beauty within the nature images on the video. When I look at images and listen to her music, it helps clear my mind, brings me more present, and changes my thoughts.
Take the time to relax. Stop, be still, listen, and don’t do anything.for five minutes. Take the time to free your mind, body, and soul as you breathe deeply with focused intention. It takes some practice however, you can learn to be patient with yourself and soothe your spirit along the way.
Go with the flow more instead of get caught up with all you have to do. You will be much happier each and every day.
To your health, wealth, and happiness,
Wealth and Well-Being Coach

Thanks for sharing.
My pleasure Jim. Thanks for visting my blog. Create an excellent day!
Marcome is a fantastic music artist, lovely voice, beautiful but what I like the most about her his her genuineness! She's a real person, caring and close to her fans. I've enjoyed her music for the last decade now and I find it has no time stamp. I get to chat with her on Twitter once in a while, she really communicate with me, on a very soulful level. A wonderful person whose music will become more and more popular I'm sure. TY Bonnie, Paul
Hi Paul
Thank you very much for commenting on my blog and for Retweeting this post on Twitter many times. I enjoy Marcome's music very much. I find her music very soothing, relaxing and I also get inspired to write when I hear her music. I also feel she is genuine, kind and a compassionate woman. I will always remember when Marcome sent me my first DM message that called me "Sweet Soul" which created a bond between us that we still have today. Keep sharing Marcome's music, and I am sure more and more people will become aware and be able to enjoy the beauty of both her music and her what a great person she is.
My very best to you Paul . See you on Twitter real soon.