About Bonnie | Your Wealth and Well-Being Coach
My name is Bonnie Gortler and I am a stock market guru. Financial fitness for 31 years is what I know best. The challenge of the market has kept me thriving and alive on the outside, but I was in pain on the inside. I felt sad, angry, and numb after losing family and friends, one by one to cancer including my mom at the age of 62. I was shaken and had difficulty accepting that she could only be in my heart and I would not see her again. I spent years grieving, not expressing myself, and holding my feelings inside as I drowned myself in my work. I learned many life lessons that made me stronger as I grew older.
Another tragedy occurred and in an instant, my life changed unexpectedly. My mother-in-law, who I love dearly, almost died right before my eyes. Depression set in and an important message was given: life is short, live life to the fullest. Most doctors gave up on her, but she continued to fight for survival, recovery, and to joyfully do what she desired.
Then, a new world opened for me which included a home-based business. I wanted to support my mother-in-law if it became necessary. My life as an entrepreneur began. Immediate success turned into an immediate failure, which ultimately became the ultimate breakthrough for me. I was asked… “Why are you so negative?” At that moment, I knew that the fearful, non-confident, stressed woman I was, needed to change, but I did not know-how.
Through my corporate job, I learned an important lesson; growth can take place by trusting someone, working hard, and embracing change. Hearing leaders speak with passion and confidence is when I realized how important personal development is. Negativity and stress had to go. Change was necessary!
I explored the internet, networked (in person and by telephone), leaving my comfort zone. I chose to hire a coach based on an 8-minute conversation. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Committing to my own personal growth had begun and become a priority.
The biggest gifts that I have received from my coaches are having people who patiently communicate with me and people who hold me accountable to move forward. I was inspired and challenged to grow, learning that there is more to life than fearing the world and keeping everything bottled up inside.
The transformation ball was rolling. I began first by changing my words, my attitude, and raising my level of awareness. I never gave up on myself, no matter how much pain I felt. I would cut, shape, mold, and polish to find my inner voice. My coach suggested opening a Twitter account. My circle of influence expanded and a huge shift took place.
I blossomed into a passionate networker. I was intrigued by a trainer and I learned that self-care is necessary. I found a mentor that inspired, supported, and believed in me, more than I believed in myself. I realized that my new-found spirit would overtake my fears.
A huge challenge was ahead as I took baby steps to reach my new goals. I added journaling to my hobbies, which helped to let go of the past and the beliefs that were limiting me. I changed my vocabulary from “I can’t,” “I won’t,” and “I fear,”… to “I can!” I started on my well-being journey in 2009 focusing on healthy eating, I achieved my weight loss goal the healthy way – slow and steady. Investing in my personal development has given me the confidence to realize that I can do anything I set my mind to. This is a universal lesson that pays high in dividends, so it is worth reminding yourself over and over again that … you can
(Whatever it maybe) do it too! I believe in you!
I share my gift; my own transformation journey, Create Change: Get out Of Your Own Way. (You can hear my interview from January 10, 2011, with me as a guest of Life Coach and Author Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff by clicking here. Sheri inspired me to press on to complete my book Journey to Wealth.
A wise lesson. Never give up on your dreams. You can do anything that you set your mind to. I believe in you. If I can, YOU can too!
Harness the power of your dreams and desires to propel you toward success.
Through my experience in studying self-development, I realized the importance of certain concepts that can be easily applied to helping people gain knowledge about building and achieving wealth. There are two approaches for financial security when investing, that go hand-in-hand. They are the technical and the mental side.
Being passionate about the stock market, taking the responsibility to make a difference in my clients’ lives is what I have done throughout my career in the financial field for over 35 years. I never imagined I would write my own book because a business letter was a challenge. It’s my pleasure to share with you what I have learned, so you are successful in investing and be a rewarding experience for you.
Get your free Chapter Excerpt of Journey to Wealth
Violent up and downswings with your money as if you were gambling at the crap table in a casino are not what I am talking about regarding achieving wealth. You might have fun, but the probabilities are not on your side. Taking advantage of opportunities, being aware, learning basic technical information gives you a better understanding of investing that will increase your chances of accumulating wealth.
The technical side of making money is what I have done as a portfolio manager for over three decades. However, I have also learned the importance of the mental aspect, the effect of how the right attitude and the right mindset give you a huge advantage to attain wealth.
Taking responsibility and being fully accountable are major parts in the process of creating and not losing your wealth over time so you have it when you need it in the future. Don’t wait for someone else to take responsibility; it’s up to you to take control. Expand your wealth, create it, and be the champion as you live your life to the fullest achieving the goals that you set. ~Bonnie Gortler
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Bonnie – I really enjoyed your virtual presentation at the July13-15 MoneyShow. Some great info on MACD. You indicated in the presentation that if the attendees sent a request by e-mail, you would send copies of the slides you used in the presentation. I would appreciate a copy of them.
James Ferguson
Thank you James, I appreciate your kind words. I sent the slides to your e mail