Guest Post: Clearing Out the Clutter by Vivienne Smith
I like to have a good clear out and get rid of clutter on a regular basis; now, if truth be told some people will never have to do this because they never accumulate enough clutter in the first place. They move through life smoothly and efficiently, shedding the unnecessary as they go. But for me and a lot of women I know, there’s some clutter still left to clear.
Recently I had the bitter sweet experience of clearing out all the rest of my husband’s personal effects at the end of our nine year relationship. It was sad and I cried but I also felt lighter and freer to reclaim my space and my life again – not to mention the luxury of having a whole load of new cupboards and drawers available for storage! As the Single Mum’s Survival Guide (and a single mum myself) I know that many of you may have the physical effects of your old relationship – photos, valentines cards, mementoes of your time together. Don’t be too hasty to purge here if you have children together because there might be things like photos that your child may really appreciate having in the future- after all, this is documentation of family history. Perhaps they could live in the attic -out of sight- until your child might want to look through them, by which time they might not seem so painful to you to behold. Then there’ll be the mental and emotional clutter – the pain, the hurt, the anger and the regrets. Isn’t it time you had a clear out, to make room for a happy new life?
It may be that your clutter is not emotional in that sense. It could be papers as yet unfiled, magazines as yet unread or bills as yet unpaid. Chances are, though, that every time you look at your clutter, procrastinate about tidying it up or attempt to find something in the piles (or even try to ignore it altogether), it will be adding guilt and draining energy and productivity from your day.
Sometimes we need help clearing out our clutter and that means hiring a coach or other professional to help us to get started and ensure that it is a positive and useful experience. I’d like you to have the opportunity to clear out your clutter now. Haven’t you waited long enough?
Vivienne Smith, Coach and author of The Single Mum’s Survival Guide
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