Are you at peace or frustrated when you think about your day–to-day finances? Have you sat quietly and thought about how to set real change in motion when it comes to your wealth? Decide now that you will create change and make your finances a priority. Be a self-starter towards achieving your financial goals. Don’t wait for someone else, or say you will begin tomorrow. Make proper money management a top priority and watch how the positive results impact your bottom line.
To begin you must right write down your three biggest challenges in terms of your finances. Ask yourself why do you think they are not working? What changes can you make right now and do differently to improve your future earnings or place you in a better position for financial independence? How can you change your mindset in order to make the needed changes that will keep you stress and worry free?
Changing your habits could involve forgoing some activity or habit that is costing you money but you keep doing even though there is no real benefit or satisfaction. It can anything but for now focus on finding a routine that you do and could just as easily do without. Yes, it’s possible for you to learn a new wealth building attitude, one that suits your needs, one that you will commit to, and one that pays out huge rewards by giving you a feeling of satisfaction and happiness.
You can also start by adjusting the thought patterns and by reevaluating the behaviors surrounding your relationship with money. If all your thoughts are negative, you’ll quickly discover that real change will be more of a challenge and improvement will escape your grasp every time. The only way to move into true prosperity is by thinking good thoughts followed with strategic action because both of these activities will give you a different perspective and will also become the foundation of belief so you understand in your heart that it’s possible for you to have the life you’ve always dreamed about.
“A positive mind finds a way it can be done;
a negative mind looks for all the ways it can’t be done”- Napoleon Hill
It also helps if you begin with the habit of incorporating a new daily behavior that will allow the positive thoughts to become automatic. By consciously forging a new healthy mindset you will develop rituals that will allow you to reach your goals. Decide now to create a plan of action that consists of action steps that move you closer to successfully impacting your finances. It’s never too late to start. Don’t put off your financial well-being. Your future self is depending on you!
Think about one realistic financial goal that is specific and measurable, and then write it down. All habits can be changed. You can tweak as needed but you must set them in motion by taking action. Habits are learned responses. Once you make a new habit part of a daily routine, they become fully ingrained in what you do and will quickly begin to feel very natural to you. Adopting new ways of change adds to your wealth and will help you live the lifestyle you desire. You can use the additional tips below to help you as well.
Create A Positive Impact On Your Finances:
Do less, not more. Remove one item that you do often and are not getting the results you desire. Do more of what is giving you the results that you desire.
- Adopt a positive money mindset, that has an optimistic outlook that gives you the feeling of security and freedom of choice.
- Develop rituals, routines that keep growing your knowledge and understanding. Do what you love to do, don’t procrastinate, instead take action and don’t wait until everything is perfect. (I’m still learning this principle)
- Compose a written plan with your individual financial goals. Set goals for 3 months, 6 months, and a year. Pick one to start working on and make it a priority each day.
- Start a ritual of tracking your finances each day. Watch where you are spending your money each month. When you are comfortable track your spending differentiating between “needs” and “wants” and then create a plan that prioritizes spending within your means.
- If you need some assistance, find someone who can support and guide you that will keep you accountable to reach your goals.
Here is a worksheet to help you start to focus and have a simple shift when it comes to money.
What SIMPLE changes can you do right now to save?
What are your three MOST SIGNIFICANT financial goals?
What are 3 FINANCIAL GOALS you would like to ACHIEVE in the next 6 months?
If you could make any SIGNIFICANT changes in your finances TODAY to save money for your future, what would they be?
Set in motion your journey to wealth!
Start now and create your own simple money rituals that will have a positive impact on your finances.
I invite you to send an email and share your financial goal setting tips or your money mind shifts experiences to or use the comments box below.
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