Guest Post: Choosing to Be Wholehearted by Beverly Lewis
Beverly Lewis is this month’s guest blogger. We met online in 2012 when I joined her Team Coaching Program. Beverly’s leadership opened up a new world to me. Her teaching style is simple if you are willing to take responsibility and are open to learning. Beverly’s spirit will boost your self-confidence, give you joy, and inspire you to take action to achieve your goals. Her passion shines through her communication style. I am very excited about sharing Beverly’s program with you.
The thrill of executing brilliantly in the zone of your best gifts is like no other the joy. When was the last time you felt that thrill? What activity evoked it? Weighty questions but worth considering.
The fulfillment generated by operating in your “sweet spot” becomes like a song in your veins. There is a longing to hear that song again. I can’t think of anything more tragic than dying with your music still in you.
It matters not whether you are a sales professional, financial consultant, doctor, ballerina, or administrative assistant. What matters is finding that place of contribution you are made for. You are designed to make a difference and to contribute value. When function meets art, it becomes design. Your design and your destiny spring from your heart. So why do we ignore our hearts and make intellect king?
Our educational system doesn’t train us to hear with our hearts. It doesn’t even help us harness the power of our thoughts and intent or to tap into the well of our deeply held beliefs or listen to the wisdom inside ourselves. It doesn’t teach us how to develop mindsets, perspectives, and habits to not only meet and overcome life’s challenges but also to experience real joy and fulfillment. Sadly, we get very little – if any – practical training on how to use our gifts to make a difference.
So how do you find and express the best gifts within you? Let’s compare it to learning to play an instrument. As a volunteer mentor in our local school system, I was assigned a seventh-grade student who loves music. As a musician myself, I couldn’t think of a better fit. I was excited when she invited me to attend her first concert. It was excruciating. I never thought it would end. The dissonance, hesitancy, and discord of that beginning orchestra as they labored through a basic song was painful. I had conveniently forgotten what newbies sounded like.
Over the next few years, my protege changed instruments several times. As she experimented, practiced, and grew in proficiency and confidence, the concerts became much more enjoyable. The difference between a beginning musician and one moving toward mastery is major. Mastery allows one to express the emotion in the music and the heart of the composer.
Can you imagine wanting to sit through a performance of musicians who didn’t bother to practice and didn’t even care about music? That’s kind of like going to work with the 66% of US employees who are disengaged from their jobs. It’s shocking that in the most prosperous country in the world, much of the workforce are half-hearted in their contribution. The cost of disengagement is staggering to the economy. But it’s just as detrimental to individual health and happiness as well as the overall culture of our nation.
There can be no significant change in the world unless we first have the courage to change ourselves. Does your happiness gauge need to be calibrated? The challenge is we cannot truly change by simply making a mental decision. We must get in touch with our hearts and the dreams written on them. Every person created has purpose, meaning, and value. Identifying it is not a given – it’s a choice and it takes effort.
Consider these signs of being disconnected from your heart and true purpose:
1. You feel exhausted by day to day demands and the effort required to keep it together.
- You are not emotionally available for relationships and quality communication.
- You have gone through a major transition in your life and now feel like you’re wandering in the wilderness without a sense of direction.
- You are so concerned about your own needs you can’t deal with a bigger picture. (Tunnel vision.)
- You are looking for validation of your identity by getting more education and more certification. You always want more conferences – more information.
- When you try to help others, nothing “takes”. Lasting change evades you and those you help.
- You are anxious about the future.
For help scaling where you are right now in your fulfillment level, take this 5-minute quiz:
When you are connected with your purpose, these are some of the signs of being engaged with your own heart:
1. You are confident you have what you need to contribute, be generous, and bring value to others.
- Every day is filled with reminders that God is directing your steps and orchestrating appointments.
- You can truly listen to others and develop meaningful relationships.
- You are energized and creative.
- Your vision for the future is clear and exciting.
- You can handle setbacks and learn without getting discouraged.
- You are thrilled with the victories of those around you and can celebrate their wins wholeheartedly.The world needs you. It needs need your heart, your voice, your courage, your joy, your creativity, your compassion, your love, and your gifts. Your potential is limitless. You are unique, valuable, capable, and worthy of the dreams in your heart.
Beverly Lewis conducts an online course called The Heart Plan – designed to bring clarity to your purpose and calling. You are invited to participate in the first lesson of the course at no charge. The coupon code has already been added to the cart for you. Your destiny awaits. You will never regret the choice to live wholeheartedly.