Giving thanks increases your happiness and opens up the possibilities of abundance, love, and joy in your life. The practice of daily thanks uplifts you, gives you more joy and helps you feel more peace. Gratitude is a step towards happiness. A daily dose of gratitude can create significant shifts in your life – I know it does for me, and with commitment, you will see that it will work for you too.
Today lift the spirits of those who may need a bit of encouragement. Start today by telling someone “thank you” or sharing the words “I appreciate you.” You giving one kind word can make a huge difference in someone’s life. You don’t know what someone may be going through and how your kindness and thoughtfulness can impact their life. It’s a good habit to start, and it only takes a few seconds of your time that can turn into greater rewards than you would have ever imagined.
Do one thing that every day scares you. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
8 Tips to Feel Grateful, and Happy
- If you feel a bit overwhelmed, stop doing what’s not working. Ask yourself, how can I simplify what I am doing and make a change.
- If you want to accomplish more, relax. The more you press, the longer it’ll take to complete what you want to get done. Take one action step towards what you want to happen. Notice the difference in how much better you feel.
- Take some YOU time. Schedule the time on your calendar. Choose one thing today to do today that gives you happiness and do it. For example, go for a walk, do yoga, meditate or call a friend. What’s important is to do something for you.
- Change one habit that is not giving you the result you desire.
- Focus on wins you have, whether they are small or big. Write them down in a notebook or journal and keep them near you. Look at them often.
- Say kind words to yourself. Focus your thoughts on what you want and not on what you don’t want. (A powerful law of attraction principle. With practice, you get better each day.)
- Surround yourself with people who you trust and support you
- Have a good laugh with a friend today. Laughter is good for your soul.
Often I reflect on how grateful I am for all the obstacles I’ve been able to overcome on my journey. It takes dedication, but I know that kindness, support, and encouragement played a big part in giving me the confidence to push forward. It’s also true that by committing to my personal development, I’ve learned the importance of a positive mindset and how incorporating an attitude of gratitude leads to a life of happiness. Of course, there are some bumps and valleys, but you will find that if your heart and mind are strong, you can overcome anything that comes your way. Yes, you too can use the power of a positive mindset and the practice of gratitude to create real change in your life.
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that brings about an abundance of happiness. You deserve to do what you love, so enjoy your journey by choosing happiness. Once you set daily gratitude into practice, you will feel thankful, grateful, and happy because you will be well on your way to creating and enjoying the lifestyle you desire.
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