Are you achieving your goals? If you feel a bit of fear when going for your goals and dreams, you’re not alone. It’s normal to feel a bit uneasy as you grow and change. It can even be a bit of a stretch to put yourself out there and be bold, courageous, and confident. However, if you create a plan for you to do simple action steps towards your goals, you will find a whole new world of possibilities will open up for you. We often fear the unknown, so it’s a good idea to remember that change is valuable even if it might not sit too well with you at that very moment.
Don’t let fear paralyze you and stop you from your dreams. Fear will begin to disappear when you face it head-on. Sometimes fear can hold us back, making us think that success isn’t possible. If you sense this is happening to you, remember don’t stop and give up on your dreams. Instead, choose to step towards your fear and embrace the change you are seeking with more peace.
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” ~Mark Twain
Success is a state of mind that you can achieve with time, patience, and determination. Being uncomfortable is healthy because it lets you know that you’re moving out of your comfort zone. Learn to expect some discomfort to move beyond your current situation.
You create change by moving forward one step at a time.
Procrastinating, being resistant, avoiding what you don’t have a lot of experience in, and creating excuses will hold back your growth. Sometimes what you have not done before causes a feeling of overwhelm with thoughts of how you’re going to achieve it. Start by thinking of yourself as successful. Small action steps will help you push through beyond your comfort zone.
“Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it’. ~Bill Cosby
You change when you desire to make a change. Get started embracing fear by choosing one of the eight simple practices below.
8 Simple Practices to Embrace Fear
- Decide you are going to accept change.
- Be patient with yourself. Do the best you can. Be your best friend.
- Choose love over fear. You can’t love and be fearful at the same time. Where there is love, you feel peace,
- Feel the fear and do it anyway. Celebrate each of your successes along the way.
- Stop saying you can’t. Start to believe you can.
- To achieve what you want, learn to relax. Relaxing works better than you pushing yourself by trying harder and harder. If you to talk, contact me here.
- Shift your mindset. Focus on positive thoughts that will create good feelings and raise your energy vibration. Think about the areas where you have excelled in the past and feel proud about you taking action towards your goals and prevent inaction.
- Take responsibility for expanding your growth. The more you know, the less you fear.
Be positive in your self-talk and attitude. Thoughts are powerful. Don’t let fear have time to think. If you procrastinate and obsess, fear has the time to paralyze your abilities and efforts. Silence the voice by thinking about what you want and not focusing on fear and doubt. When taking action, this is where the fun begins because action steps enable real change to happen. If you are not ready or don’t take action, no progress occurs, and your dreams remain in your imagination instead of becoming your reality.
Sometimes you might want to do something so much that you become obsessed, and nothing changes. If this happens, you immediately stop pushing yourself and begin to relax, and things start to flow. Doing so will clear your mind to access the situation to find the best solutions that will help you reach your goals. With a little practice, it will soon become easy.
Learn to embrace your fear peacefully now to enjoy the possibilities and opportunities that are waiting for you. Begin the process of change right where you are now. You are capable of handling, whatever happens, so commit to continue moving toward your goals courageously. You can start anytime you choose. Move through your fear, don’t run from it, knowing that where fear appears in lies your explosive growth.
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