7 Tips for Adding More Ease and Flow in Your Day
What would it be like for you if you discovered an opening in your day where you could do as you pleased? Would you be able to adjust with ease and embrace the flow, or would you use the time to attack a task that’s been on your back burner? You may be thinking whichever you choose still puts you ahead in the game of life, but in reality, when we ignore the desires that call us, we chip away a bit of ourselves in the process.
It’s good to remember that we have the power to create a flexible schedule set on our terms. Using our freedom to decide what our day will consist of; we ultimately end up with more time doing things that bring us joy and enrich our lives. Decide to spend time on yourself or use the time to foster deeper relationships with your friends and family.
You may be in a position right now where you want to make a change and are unsure of how to start or what it will entail. Or you may even find yourself negatively impacted by circumstances that are out of your control.
We often go the other direction by first choosing tasks that others expect of us and ones we feel obligated to do. Initially, this approach may seem to be a good idea, but choosing the needs of others before your own can bring you to a point of feeling overwhelmed.
Whatever your situation, you want as little stress as possible. Be gentle with yourself by keeping things simple and doing what makes you happy and feels good. Believe you are capable of overcoming any obstacles that may get in your way. Decide your happiness and well-being be a top priority.
The shift in thinking may cause some unexpected disruptions, which may lead you to become discouraged. Don’t allow these feelings to slow you down. Keep moving forward toward your goals and dreams. Expecting a few negatives through this journey will enable you to make the necessary adjustments for maintaining your mental and physical well-being moving forward.
We often wait until we are frustrated or resentful before we begin taking care of ourselves. Remember that your happiness comes first when disruptions happen, and life appears to be out of your control. Whether it’s your child, pets, the phone, or something else – YOU have an ultimate say in how you respond.
“Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.” Chris Grosser
With consistent daily habits, focus, and discipline, you can start creating what you want in your life. Spend a little time reflecting on what has happened, and make new decisions on what you will do differently.
Are you working long hours? Do you have trouble saying no? You can make changes by adding boundaries with those around you and creating a plan for your future using what you learn when actively visualizing how you want things.
Decide to make peace with what you cannot change. You can control your responses, but not the responses from others around you.
Healthy change requires you to identify what is causing you stress. Learn to become diligent in creating the proper surroundings that support your success. How you handle stress impacts your quality of life and future happiness. Start changing a few of your habits and your response to others, and you will find you are enjoying each day that much more.
Tips For Adding More Ease and Flow In Your Day
- Have a daily practice of gratitude. Giving thanks increases your happiness and opens up the possibilities of abundance, love, and joy in your life. A daily dose of gratitude can create significant shifts in your life. I know it does for me, and with commitment, it’s possible for you too.
- Visualize what you desire. Think about what makes you smile and feel good. Don’t worry about how you are going to make it happen. Include relevant details such as a time horizon, people, or places that are meaningful to you. It could be a dream house, a vacation with your friends and family, or seeing yourself playing your favorite instrument.
- Create a dedicated space for you that is free of distractions. Make your time count where you focus, and you will achieve what you set out to do. Have a comfortable chair with support for your lower back and good lighting, so you don’t strain your eyes. Minimize interruptions as much as you can, even if you have to close your door and put a sign saying, please don’t disturb unless necessary.
- Schedule a 30-60 minute break for you each day. Take a break to get up and stretch your legs, grab a cup of coffee, eat a healthy snack, or take a lunch break. Move your body or go for a walk. Exercise relieves stress.
- Stop doing what’s not working. Seek out how you can simplify what you are doing, and then take action.
- Get up a half-hour early. Use that time to create a healthy routine you enjoy reading, exercising, journaling, or meditating.
- Take time each day for relaxation to boosts your spirit or mood. Meditation allows you to sit quietly and reap the healthy benefits of deep breathing. Do this by first closing your eyes. “Count down slowly from 10 to zero. Then take three deep breaths holding each one to a count of 6, and release.
Achieving what you want is possible. Create a simple routine that you can follow each day, and that energizes you. Change your mindset, habits, and behavior to get the results you want. You have the power to create change for your success which will instantly improve your well-being. Make a decision today to do what makes you happy with more ease and flow.
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