If you own a business and working with new clients is important to your business model, my colleague, best-selling author and business coach, Sheri Kaye Hoff, is holding a complimentary training on her client attraction success methods.
When she started her company in 2007, she had recently moved to a new area so her support network and her contacts were a thousand miles away. She knew growing her coaching and training business online was going to be an important key to success.
And she was successful right away. (Just kidding). Sheri really wishes she could say that; actually it took her months to sign her first new clients even though she was doing most of the “right” things. She was frustrated and thought about throwing in the towel and quitting several times. However, she knew her work was important. She knew she didn’t want to quit, so she resolved that she would learn how to be really good at signing new clients. What she found is that to be really good at attracting clients, there was a balance between using effective techniques and relaxing about it. When you are tense and worried about getting clients, do you think you can sign new clients? No, or maybe, but it is difficult. Letting go of worry was a key. The more Sheri relaxed, the more successful she was. She learned that the more her efforts were aligned with her natural style and way of being, the more successful she was.
She is sharing these lessons with you.
Register now for this free webinar because you will become more effective at attracting new clients.
Click Here bit.ly/1C1vxRR
In her free new webinar you will learn:
- Why relaxing into attracting clients serves you and your clients at the highest level. Learn the common mistakes that biz owners make during their client attraction efforts. You can make a difference, have more clients, and make great profits, too. Learn the no- stress way to attracting clients. Increase your client attraction results without getting exhausted and burned out.
- 5 of the most important proven ways you can be more consistent with your client attraction efforts in your biz.
- 3 quick ways you can bring in new clients this month.
Register today Click Here: bit.ly/1C1vxRR
Wishing you wealth health and happiness,
Bonnie Gortler
Wealth and Well-Being Coach