12 Tips for Reducing Stress, Adding Peace, and Enjoying More Happiness
True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.
John W. Gardner
Have you ever noticed how some days are super busy and other days are quiet and peaceful? If you’re like me those peaceful days can sometimes be few and far between! It can be tough to balance everything and still keep your sanity, especially when it comes to work. Do you have projects that are incomplete and play over and over in your mind leaving you to the point where you feel a little anxious, uncertain and maybe even frustrated to the point of giving up? Wouldn’t it be great if you were relaxed, full of energy and could always feel confident in overcoming what frustrates you? This may sound difficult to attain but you can overcome such roadblocks by remembering why you even started your project in the first place and then replaying over and over in your mind the excitement you felt before all the obstacles came your way. What if I told you that calm, peace and happiness could be yours within those super busy days too? With just a tweak or two to your mindset and in the actions you take you really can have the life you’ve always dreamed of. You just have to be willing do the work that will point you in the right direction.
With a little awareness and practice you can change your thoughts by using the power of intention to free yourself from the negativity that is distracting you from the life you desire. When we focus more on the positives, all the negative thoughts and emotions tend to slowly drift away to a state of calm and peace. When you nourish your mind with good thoughts and positive things on a daily basis you can quiet the negative voices you hear in your mind. This can be achieved by taking action when you notice a negative thought creep in and by changing the thought to a positive one. Doing so will be the start of miraculous changes that will reduce stress, add more peace in your life and surround you with an abundance of happiness going forward.
When you think about your life what is the one thing that makes you feel apprehensive or is holding you back? Are you harboring a past event that still upsets you and figure that this is just how it is? Can you, for a moment, imagine yourself with reduced stress, increased confidence, and living a life of calm instead of a flood of regret or worry? A recent study confirmed that over 95% of what we worry about doesn’t even happen. Think of all the wasted time and attention. What about all the time you spend afraid or ashamed over things you no longer have control over? This is why it’s so important that you learn from these lessons and begin creating good habits and routines that focus on the positives and in what makes life pleasurable. Commit to doing so, and you will receive results that will improve and enhance your overall well-being.
It may not always feel like it but all that you desire is within your reach and you have the power to do what you’ve never imagined possible. You can accomplish your dreams by keeping the ball rolling forward instead of focusing on your past. You will not find answers by turning to food every time uncomfortable emotions kick in or by drowning yourself in work when things get difficult at home. Neither approach will provide the answers you need. A much better choice is to start from within by being gentler with yourself. Yes, it’s a process and it won’t happen overnight. You will have to take small simple steps to change your behavior. It really is a choice to remain positive, and with consistency you can get to a place of feeling peace in your heart, body, and soul. Staying in the positive is worth the effort since nothing beats the pure joy you will create and the benefits you will encounter from a richer more fulfilling life.
Keep in mind that all habits can be changed when you embrace, experience, and enjoy the journey. Once you make new positive habits part of a daily routine they become automatic and ingrained in everything that you do. They begin to feel very natural and soon feel like second nature. You must decide now that you want to create change in your life. Your happiness is important and is an integral part in you successfully doing what you passionately want to do in your life. These simple tips I’m sharing with you can move you closer to happiness by reducing the stress you may be experiencing and by giving you peace like you’ve never had before.
12 Tips To Reducing Stress, More Peace, and Happiness
- Find your passion. Do what you love to do. Have a big vision with your individual goals that you choose and gives you a feeling of safety. You are a creative being and let your creativity shine.
- Do less, not more. Focus on the important tasks, and get rid of the rest. You will get more accomplished, your frustration level will be reduced and you have more time for things that give you joy.
- Choose only what aligns with your overall goals. Remove one item today that you do frequently that is not getting the results you desire,
- Simplify your finances. Live life on your terms not somebody else’s. Pay cash when you can, reduce debt by paying off high interest credit cards, and spend within your means.
- Create simple systems. Create well-organized simple systems for your everyday routines, anything you do over and over. Examples: Have a fixed place for your spare keys, bills, and mail.
- Set goals for 3 months, 6 months and a year. Choose a goal to start working on in the short term that will move you towards your longer-term goal.
- Focus on one task at a time. Give up multi-tasking. This will ultimately make you more productive and will reduce stress.
- Take action, even the small action is better than procrastinating and doing nothing. Do your very best. Don’t wait until everything is perfect. Feel the fear, and do it anyway!
- Give up wanting to being right. Look for a way to understand the other person’s position, to see it from their point of view.
- Respond instead of react. Control your impulses and raise your awareness to your surroundings. If someone says or does something to you that you don’t like, say and do nothing but consider if what they’ve said has merit. Then count to 10 before you respond. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t!
- Be compassionate and be thoughtful of how others feel. Think about what the other person might be going through. Don’t judge them. Remember there are two sides to every story, sometimes even more.
- Get support. Be held accountable. Find a coach or partner who will support you to on your journey in life.
Everyone needs happiness, a bit of calm, and moments of quiet especially with our busy day to day responsibilities. When those judgments arrive to bring you down or you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember to be gentle on yourself. Start now to steer your mind from the negative and proactively think more positive thoughts. The first step is to start by investing in YOU with a genuine commitment for change. The only way to live the life you desire is to take action now. Make the choice today to improve your well-being and enjoy life with more peace and even more happiness than you ever imagined. The power is within you!
One of the most difficult things to do is to break out of habits that do more harm than good. I coach people who want to grow wealth without stress and worry. If you are serious about changing this part of your life, I invite you to a complimentary 30 minute consultation with me. This is a coaching consultation about changing your mindset, habits, and the results you’re experiencing surrounding your wealth and well-being. If you would like to book your own complementary session, send me an e mail at bonnie@bonniegortler.com.
Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness,
Schedule your ‘Inspired Wealth and Well-Being Free 30 minute Discovery Session” at bonnie@bonniegortler.com