11 Tips to Prevent Sabotaging Your Well-Being
11 Tips to Prevent Self Sabotaging Your Well-Being
Do you make good choices for your well-being? Maybe you delay and resist things that are good for you. There is no need to sabotage your success. Today you can decide that you will take simple steps to make better choices to live a healthier lifestyle.
Positive results are gained when you learn to develop a system of different routines that set you up for success instead of repeating a negative cycle of what is not working out for you. You do this by choosing healthier foods for your daily living, discovering new ways to move your body, and by increasing the number of fun activities in your life.
When choosing a path of well-being instead of self-sabotage, you learn what you are passionate about and do more of what you love. As you start the change from self-sabotage to well-being, you will find your confidence grows with a few easy and consistent steps. It’s not necessary to change everything you do all at once.
You want to adjust your life in moderation so you can find a happy balance. Soon after that, you will be ready to add a few more changes that help you create a better quality of life, and they will become a part of your daily lifestyle.
Schedule time to get clear about your goals so you will find the right combination for you. Time, patience, and perseverance are three keys to being successful. Don’t stop if it doesn’t feel natural right away. When you practice and repeat, these changes become effortless, and you will notice the difference in how good you feel making real change in your life.
Take the first step in finding what works for you, so you too can experience real change and feel great. Below are some simple well-being tips to assist you.
11 Tips to Prevent Self Sabotaging Your Well-Being
- Commit to doing what it takes to reach your goals. Write down simple small actions in a notebook, so you can make progress and ultimately reach your goals.
- Surround yourself with trustworthy people who you feel good around, inspire you, and possess positive energy.
- Develop a mantra that relaxes and empowers you – Use positive words such as “I can handle this” or “Nothing can hurt me.” My mantra is, “I can do anything I set my mind to.” Repeat the mantra whenever you feel you are not centered.
- Schedule quiet time for you by creating a simple routine to move your body. Choose something you like so you will do it. Some of my favorites are journaling, biking, lifting weights, yoga, meditation, and walking. Do a few of them each day. It’s ok to mix them up, so you don’t get bored.
- Get adequate rest. Sleep is essential to your well-being as it refreshes the mind and body.
- Drink plenty of water, so you are hydrated and feel energized.
- Be gentle with yourself. Be aware when you are negative. Distract yourself by focusing on better thoughts.
- Eat well-balanced meals that fuel your body. Eat an assortment of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Start your day with a healthy breakfast that is not full of sugar. I love my Arbonne protein shake. It tastes great and has essential vitamins and minerals. Check out the different products here.
- Have a good laugh with a friend today. Laughter is good for the soul.
- Be compassionate to others. Lift someone’s spirit, send your love with a smile or a hug. You will be happy and peaceful too.
- Trust your intuition; the little voice inside of you helps to steer you in the right direction.
Start today doing a few tips from above to improve your well-being. Small steps are enough to create change. You are important. By prioritizing putting in the time, you make a lasting commitment for yourself which prevents self-sabotaging your well-being. Begin today.