Time is a valued commodity. Why not use yours to thrive and feel good? Life is filled with twists and turns, and by using your time to care about your well-being will help you to relax, have fun, and feel more inner peace. If you are not thriving and feeling good, then it is time to simplify your efforts when meeting your personal obligations and work demands. When you create the necessary changes, you will find life becomes less stressed and moves you into a zone of receiving more happiness at work and at home.
It’s time to find ways to do more of what you love and develop strategies that will limit the stress that keeps you from enjoying life to the fullest. Time passes quickly, take action so your weeks and months are filled with reaching your goals. Decide today that you will take one action step toward doing more of what you love to do. This one commitment will improve the quality of your life, and this one decision will put you on the path to feeling more vibrant and ready to create the fulfilling life you’ve wanted.
Change is challenging sometimes, but you can start the process by accepting that change is necessary. You deserve to have a break from those everyday responsibilities. Decide you will schedule time each day that is dedicated to what brings you the most joy and happiness. Get in the habit of planning for “me time” or other plans will become a priority. Start your day by lifting your spirits and setting the tone in a more relaxed way by reading what inspires you, listening to music that energizes you, meditating to find your center, or begin the day by finally implementing that exercise program you’ve been wanting to do.
There is no better time to start than right now. However, if you’ve already started the process then you may find you are at a point where you are not making as much progress as you would like. This happens to everyone. If this does happen, be patient with yourself, don’t stop, and keep going. Remind yourself that it takes time to change the routines you’ve already established. Look at your schedule and see where you are out of balance. Don’t allow your schedule to be so full that there is no place for your well-being.
Are you one to worry about the future and what might happen? This type of thinking occurs when you are focused on fear instead of the here and now. It’s possible to change your thoughts and avoid focusing on your fears. I have learned from experience that stepping through the fear and allowing myself to feel it anyway, creates inner growth faster than simply doing nothing or worrying about what I am unable to change. It takes time to develop new thoughts and habits. Sometimes you might need to practice more than you thought was necessary before a new habit finally clicks.
By going for what you want instead of hesitating and second-guessing yourself before you decide to “do it”. Becoming strong enough to put your fear to the side will encourage you and will lessen the possibility of missing out on opportunities that come your way. Like any habit, once you take the plunge and act, you will get better and better at it. You will also discover that over time your fears lessen and what you feared most will become second nature to you.
Look for new opportunities to grow as you embrace your fears. Focus on what is positive in your life and abandon the urge to get caught up energy-zapping emotions such as frustration and anger. If you have some negative thoughts that come into your mind, close your eyes for a minute or two and take a deep long breath. Then think about and visualize what you really want. This is why “me time” is so important. Once you have spent quality time with yourself then you will begin to be able to quickly identify what is important to you. Life is meant to be lived, so treat yourself by doing what you love. Making this one adjustment will enrich your life.
Are you still unsure how you can make these changes toward improved well-being? Below I’ve put together some insights to help you make change a reality.
11 Tips How to Thrive and Feel Good
- Don’t sweat the small stuff. What may be bothering you right now many times will most likely work itself out within a few days.
- Relax instead of worry. Over 90% of what you worry about will not occur.
- Schedule an appointment on your calendar with yourself. Book a day or a few hours at the spa getting a manicure, a massage, or take a yoga/exercise class at your nearest gym.
- If you are a little down or upset, it’s time to alter your mindset to be more positive. A helpful strategy is to get your pen and paper and create a list of 5 things to make you smile. Choose one and do it.
- Continue going for your dreams. Don’t give up on what you want in life or on what gives you joy. Take a small action step towards your dream each day.
- Be bold, brave and daring. Get out of your comfort zone by doing something you have never done before. This is where you will grow the most.
- Get up an hour earlier to start your day in a positive way. Use the time to create a daily routine that makes you happy. Ex. Journaling, reading, meditation, and exercise.
- Do less not more. The K.I.S.S. principle – Keep it simple stupid. Remove or simplify one item that you do often and are not getting the results.
- Learn to not take things personally. This will take practice, but when you don’t take things personally you are less stressed, happier, and calmer.
- Respond to others without reacting. If someone says something to you that you don’t like, don’t answer right back. Take a long deep breath and count to 10 before you respond.
- Be kind and compassionate. Be thoughtful of how others may feel and what they may be going through. Remember there are two sides to every story, and sometimes even three.
You can do this! Start by choosing one of the tips above and follow through with persistent attention until it’s been mastered. Then choose another one. By taking small actions toward what you want to achieve you will create a new perspective on life. Life is more than existing and allowing life to pass you by. Be positive and become a problem solver. This approach coupled with facing your fears will help you push through situations that may arise. Challenge your thought process by solving a persistent problem with a creative out of the box solution. You’d be surprised how liberating it is to break free from the status quo. Now is the time to live your dreams with a plan that is simple enough to allow you to thrive and feel good.
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